Friday, December 18, 2015

The Anatomy of “Likes” and “Shares” - Why it Matters to Your 2016 Social Media Content Marketing Strategy

The Anatomy of “Likes” and “Shares” - Why it Matters to Your 2016 Social Media Content Marketing Strategy

This article expands upon my last post “2016 is Upon Us…is Your Marketing Strategy Ready?,” and will further delve into focusing on an authentic customer experience as it pertains to your social media content marketing strategy for 2016. So, how do “likes” and “shares” factor in to an authentic customer experience? In a nutshell, it’s about your current followers and making sure you’re “tuned in” to their needs. Create an authentic experience for existing followers and they’ll gladly spread the word.

This article will outline how this can be accomplished with the changing trends being faced in 2016, but first, let's back up for just a moment…

What Are “Likes” and “Shares?”

“Likes” and “shares” are terms used when referencing social media. In this article, we’re primarily looking at platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc. In order to delve into how “likes” and “shares” factor in to an authentic customer experience, we should first define them. To be thorough, let’s also include “follows:”

If you’ve already gone viral, congratulations! You’re the percentage that we all dream of becoming. For the rest of us, however, we’ve likely started to experience less “likes” and “shares” in our content marketing campaigns which, in part, can be explained by their anatomy.

The Anatomy of “Likes,” “Shares,” and “Follows”

Content shared on social media is delivered to your followers and, with followers being inundated with social media posts every minute of every day, they may never see your content. So, right off the bat, your content is fighting an up-hill battle.

When that small percentage of followers does see your content, they then have three choices; they can:

  • Like it (or, in some cases, save it) to read later
  • Read it immediately
  • Keep scrolling

If the title, blurb, image, or video snippet representing your content is engaging enough that they click for further information, they again have three choices; they can:

  • Like it (if they hadn’t already)
  • Share it
  • Close it and keep scrolling

For those who like or share, your content then passes to their followers' newsfeeds and the cycle continues with this new level of followers and so on, as illustrated in the diagram below.

What you may not realize is that the cycle’s continuation depends on several factors, including:

  1. The power of your brand and its reach
  2. The trust your followers have in your brand
  3. The trust followers have with one another

Take a look at the diagram below. Where does your company fall?

Identifying where your company stands with regards to the power and reach of your brand, can help you further refine your social media content marketing strategy for 2016.

Why the Decrease in “Likes” and “Shares?”

There are several reasons for the decrease, including social media platforms catching on to how profitable they can become by getting you to pay for more likes, views, etc., but let’s focus on an area that is entirely within our control – creating an authentic customer experience for existing followers.

In our Anatomy of “Likes” and “Shares” graphic, we illustrate how each level of potential “follower” (or potential client) acts based on how much trust they hold in either you and your brand or the follower/individual sharing the content. In times past, you could release content that would do fairly well without much thought, but times are changing and your potential clients not only have a keener eye for seeing through self-serving content, but are also submerged in a world of competing brands.

The result?

Their newsfeeds are rapidly flooded with content every minute of every day. So, it’s a natural course that your potential clients are now targeting you…and if they’re not, your social media content marketing strategy should be focused on ways to ensure they are.

Sound crazy? Let’s see…

Even in my day to day, I’ve noticed that I pay less attention to what’s in my newsfeed(s) and routinely search out my preferred sites or pages to grab my own updates. I know who I want to see and I find them on my own because my newsfeeds are flooded; despite my efforts in trying to manage them. Trying to clean up a feed only seems to result in more ads being pushed by the social media outlets themselves, so what’s a marketing geek/consumer to do?

I find my own updates.

Who do I search out?

I search out those that add value and adding value is key to grasping authentic customer experience. Maybe this sounds familiar, or maybe it still sounds crazy…let’s look at an example!


An Example of Authentic Customer Experience

If you haven’t seen The Story of This Life yet, take a peek when you can, especially if you have young children. I came across a holiday post that converted me from a casual follower to a follower that makes it a point to check their site out every other day or so. The content they share is so relevant and relatable to where I am in my life, that I just couldn’t help but be THAT interested.

I have to admit, the first time I watched their video, I was so moved that I didn’t even catch what they were advertising, but you know what did happen? I liked it, I shared it, and I watched it again to catch the company they were advertising – lo and behold, the exact results you want from your social media content marketing strategy!

When my husband got home, I made him watch it. We both got choked up (although he won’t admit to it). He then went on to talk about it to people he works with who could also relate (insert added “bonus” here because now it’s been shared by word of mouth – I feel a new blog topic coming on). It is one of the sweetest holiday advertisements out there and it made me forget about marketing entirely. 

When I shook it off and realized what had just happened, I was pleasantly shocked. This is what everyone needs to strive for as far as content goes. We get told via numerous channels that we need to evoke emotion in our content, we need to solve problems, we need to provide value, and here it was - all wrapped up in a less than two minute package. The video doesn’t even have words – just music – proof that it’s possible to seize it and create it. The trick?

You absolutely need to know your audience.

In a week, their video has been viewed over 8 thousand times on YouTube – one week! Now, days later - over 370K views on Facebook! And, well, you can see the “likes” and “shares” in the image above. Considering they have 57K followers on YouTube and 970K followers on Facebook, you can get an idea of their reach – their followers are engaged.

As for why it “got me,” well, I’m the target audience. I have a toddler around the same age, my day to day is filled with the same awe struck mommy moments, and again, it was just overwhelmingly relatable. If companies, and in this case influencers, can put so much effort into making content awe-inspiring for December, why can’t we do that all year round? Check out these recent examples from Google (over 2 million views), Sainsbury’s (over 25 million views),Publix (over 4  million views), and Toys “R” Us (over 5 million views).

These examples embody companies who are up to date on changing trends and have adjusted their content accordingly to ensure success in 2016. Companies who can consistently replicate this type of content will skyrocket to success in 2016.

The Formula for Successful Social Media Content Marketing Strategies in 2016

Creating Your Own Authentic Customer Experience via Social Media Content

So how do you translate this into a message that makes sense for your business? The answer is simple - you have to put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Get started by asking yourself these questions:

  • What would you want?
  • What would add value for you?
  • What are your customers already asking for?
  • What other relevant feedback have you received (no matter how small or insignificant it might have seemed at the time)?

If you’re an irrigation company, maybe your content includes tips on keeping your irrigation running optimally at various points in the season to save money on your water bill. If you’re a landscaper, maybe you post reminders about when to aerate, seed, or fertilize. Convert to a helpful video and you get the idea…

Almost any company can find ways to add value to their customer’s lives via social media if they step into their shoes. Getting to genuinely know the interests of your customer base on a more personal level can take you further than any last minute post you throw out. One popular method of engagement is offering free content when you can, whether it’s advice, instructions, webinars, trainings, or other forms of content. And when I say free – I mean no strings attached. No email in exchange for ‘xyz’ – nothing annoys people more. Those tactics are tired and consumers see through it immediately for what it is – a ploy for which the end result is getting hundreds of even more annoying emails, phone calls, etc. and not a problem solved in return. Make sure you're easing pain points, offering solutions, and, if you’re asking for something in return, it should be essential.

Struggling with How to Make it “Authentic?”

When you’re not face-to-face with your customers, and instead counting on posts, ads, print collateral, etc., authentic can appear hard to accomplish and overwhelming. Here’s the secret, your followers – your customers, are tired of being “sold” to. They see it a hundred times a day, and in 2016 you’re going to be faced with an audience that is looking for added value. To help you think along the ‘authentic’ lines, reflect on whether you are (or can become) a brand that:

  1. Is not overly self-serving
  2. Is not focused on helping themselves, but in helping others
  3. Gets involved in the community
  4. Takes advantage of video as an essential element to deliver content

The graphic below summarizes the steps that occur when you’ve created an authentic brand presence:

It might seem risky, but when you change your focus, you increase customer satisfaction. By being genuinely interested in offering pain point resolving solutions, you are conveying an authentic brand. You show you care about your customer’s well-being and even if they don’t use your services, they share their experience with those who may need you. You will also be at the top of their list for when a time arises when they do need you. These are the building blocks to brand trust and this is why something as simple as “likes” and “shares” should matter in your 2016 social media content marketing strategy.

Tips for Delivering Your Content

There’s a reason video has been mentioned in this article, so if you’ve yet to jump on the video bandwagon, 2016 is the year to dive in. Video should, without a doubt, be included in your social media content marketing strategy. As explained in our example, it doesn’t even have to include words to be effective and almost all social media platforms have made it easier than ever to deliver this form of content. And, video puts you face-to-face with your customers. It adds the personal element back into the mix by creating a kind of virtual face-to-face hands-on experience.

Tips for effective video:

  1. Keep it short
  2. Make it powerful
  3. When appropriate, don’t be afraid to use humor
  4. Ensure it is memorable, in a positive way. Content is less likely to be acknowledged (especially on more professional social media platforms) if it is embarrassing, overly political, or overly religious. 
  5. Make it easy for your followers to share by including links for sharing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
  6. Don’t forget your logo and essential contact information

Key Takeaways

Lastly, here are some key takeaways:

  1. Your brand should build trust. If it doesn’t, revisit your branding/brand identity.
  2. Your followers should gain an authentic customer experience with every piece of content you share, so plan and invest the time and effort required to accomplish this.
  3. The use of video will make or break your content in 2016. Video will be the key to grabbing your followers’ attention amidst a sea of ads across social media platforms.
  4. Deliver engaging and thoughtful content consistently. Determine what consistent means for your company. Twice a day? Twice a week? Monthly?
  5. Don’t be afraid to genuinely offer free advice, tools, or resources to alleviate pain points. Don’t ask for something (email addresses, phone numbers, sign up’s/registrations, etc.) in return unless it’s essential.
  6. Your social media reach will be determined by your followers and their followers.
  7. You may be wondering about measurement. Measuring outcomes will be directly tied into the new business you have coming in. It may take time, but be patient; ultimately your sales should reflect whether your content marketing plan is effective.


We wish you the best of luck with your social media content marketing strategies in 2016!


We want to hear from you…

Are you already working on your 2016 social media content marketing strategy? If you are, that’s great! If you’re not, what has stopped you from starting on your strategy? Share your thoughts and recommendations; we want to hear from you!


Connect with us…




Crystal Davies is a strategic marketing consultant specializing in branding and brand identity, marketing strategy, and business solutions. Her passion is seeing how pieces of the marketing strategy puzzle come together to turn her clients dreams of business success into reality.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

2016 is Upon Your Marketing Strategy Ready?

2016 is Upon Your Marketing Strategy Ready?

It's no secret that businesses are having to invest more time on evolving their marketing tactics each year to maintain, if not grow, their customer base. It is even harder for small businesses and individuals to experience successful growth without a well thought out marketing strategy. This article will guide you through the process of developing a marketing strategy, key items to consider, and helpful examples; all designed to get you started.


Why Have a Marketing Strategy?

It would be amazing if we could just sit back and have business come to us, but in an overwhelming world of too many choices, a business needs creative tactics to draw customers in. This is where a marketing strategy comes in to play. Your marketing strategy not only helps define your business goals, but more importantly, it defines methods you will use to achieve them. So, if you have yet to sit down and seriously think about your strategy, let's start now! 



Where Do I Begin?

With the calendar year wrapping up, you should already have a draft marketing plan that you based your 2016 marketing budget off of. Now, it’s time to sit down and think about your detailed marketing strategy. Your first step should be to reflect on the past year and ask yourself some key questions:

Was my business as successful as I had hoped in 2015? Why or why not?

If your business runs on a calendar year, you should have a feel for what worked and what didn't as a whole this month. Looking at the big picture, to define your successes and areas for improvement, should be a first step. This creates the stepping stone for developing a marketing strategy.


Did my 2015 marketing strategy work as I had planned? If not, what could be done differently?

If you had a marketing strategy in place for 2015, that's great! Now is the time to delve into what worked and what didn't to improve your existing strategy. Remember, in a highly competitive world, you're fighting for what may only be a few seconds of attention from your customers - you have to make those moments count. 


TIP: Be sure to make your marketing strategy flexible. If something is clearly not working, you wouldn't want to put your business at risk by following it through the rest of the year. Building in periodic reviews is beneficial (and recommended) as consumer trends can change in a matter of months. What may have worked great for Q1, may not work so well for Q2. Be prepared!


What are my business goals for 2016? 

We know that the ultimate goal of any company is to not only maintain, but to also expand their customer base; it's how you generate profits in order to grow your business. Now that you have a clearer image of your business and marketing strategy success for 2015, it's time to analyze that information and define how you can expand your customer base for 2016. Here are some considerations:


In 2015,

1.     Was I able to provide everything my customers asked for? 

2.     Were my customers satisfied with my products and/or services? 

3.     Did I have repeat customers? 

4.     Were there any trends that appeared / developed?

5.     Were any leads referral based?

TIP: If you find the answers to the five questions above leaning mostly towards “no’s,” then it’s time to add a focus on customer experience to your 2016 goals. Trends are showing that the most successful businesses are thriving because of an authentic focus on customer experience.  

These considerations should start you on the path to defining your business goals for 2016, but should not be looked at as an all-inclusive list. As you work through each of the three main questions/sub-sections above, you should find that you revisit each several times before you are satisfied. This is intentional as these questions are meant to help you analyze performance in order to define goals for 2016. 


Looking Into the Future - Planning for What's to Come in 2016

Now that you've reflected on the past year and identified your business needs and goals for 2016, it's time to consider the future. What exactly do you have going on in 2016? Are you speaking at any conferences? Are you anticipating a product launch? Do you have plans to begin a new book? Any upcoming event, whether new or recurring, should be factored into your marketing strategy (if it hasn't already from your review of 2015).


TIP: If you haven’t already begun to focus on the authentic customer experience, this should shoot to the top of your goals list for 2016. Creating an authentic customer experience is a blog topic of its' own, but to get you thinking along those lines, reflect on the following questions as they pertain to your business:


What is My Next Step?

At this point, you should have an all-inclusive, but rough outline of your marketing strategy for 2016. Mixed with your business goals, it may seem overwhelming, but take some time and separate out your 2016 business goals from the actual marketing components listed to achieve them. If you can do this, you'll find the list is far less intimidating. An example may look like this:

TIP: Using a table to organize your data or thoughts can be helpful, but is not meant to reflect the final format of a marketing strategy.

Have Your Plan? Revise it Again!

Your marketing strategy should undergo several revisions before being finalized, so expect this and know that it’s normal. A well thought out strategy will beat a rushed one a million times over saving the time and expense of costly rework later. Investing the time to revise areas that still seem muddy is never a wasted effort.


If you need to, break your strategy down into smaller components. This may happen organically if you have teams specializing in particular areas of responsibility. A sample breakdown may look like:

From there, you can further break down your strategy into project plans and start the process of getting buy-in, which is all the easier when you have an organized marketing strategy to rely on. Planning your year, aligning your planning to measurable metrics, and reaching those goals you’ve been striving for will be easier than ever.


You’re On Your Way!

You are now well on your way to creating a thorough marketing strategy for 2016. It won’t magically happen overnight, but it will be well worth the effort once complete. If you haven’t started yet, don’t worry, if you can beat the January blues (when everyone is bummed from coming back from holiday vacation), you can still have a great plan implemented just as everyone gets back into the swing of things come February!


Happy planning!!



We want to hear from you…

Are you already working on your 2016 marketing strategy? If you are, that’s great! If you’re not, what has stopped you from starting on your strategy? Share your thoughts and recommendations; we want to hear from you!

Connect with us…




Crystal Davies is a strategic marketing consultant specializing in branding, marketing, strategy, and business solutions. Her passion is seeing how pieces of the marketing strategy puzzle come together to turn her clients dreams of business success into reality. Contact Crystal at or visit her company website at